During the summer I spent most of my time at home. This is the first summer of my retirement as a teacher. After twenty four years of teaching the ending of the summer does not mean the start of going back to school.
It's a strange feeling. During this time at home I find that my home is usually full of either my son's friends who are going into high school this fall or my daughter's college friends.
All of these kids just seem to gravitate towards our home. They come, they sleep, they eat and hang out and watch tv. We have developed a relationship of familiarity. Christ draws us in and tells us of his way in his word when we knock on the door of his heart and open his word.
In Revelations 3:20 Jesus says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
The key to all these relationships is the words "hears and Listens." When my children's friends come over they know that our home is a place where they will feel comfortable, they have no fear of knocking on the door of our home and knowing we will say come in.
This is the relationship that God desires to have with all of His children. I want to be available to hear and welcome both the physical presence of others and be their source of comfort, but I also want to be close to the door so that I can hear the spiritual knock of Christ.
This was encouraging to read as well as easy to read. A voice is needed to call out to those lost sheep, stagnant individuals, and borderline individuals. You are speaking to them about relationships and becoming engaged in developing a relationship. Keep it going. The Word needs to be heard.