Tuesday, April 16, 2013

He is Already Here

I drove by a church today that had a sign that said,"God we need you, come." As I see it the sign should have read, "God is here, we need to come." In the senseless terror that continues to plague our world we has forgotten that God is the author and finisher of our fate.

He is not idly sitting by watching, he is
orchestrating the very things that frighten us when we sit at home in front of our
television sets asking, "How does God
allow this to happen?" The question should be,"How could God not allow this to happen?"

We have some how forgotten to take God at His word. He told us in 2 chronicles 7:14 what He would do if we would just humble ourselves. Our lives are not our own, our wills often make it difficult to follow this word, to humble.

Going back to the sign on the front of the church will be a scary thing for many. When God comes how many of us will find that we are in that surrendered place of saying," God, here I am, I have humbled my self, I have sought your face."Because soon the only thing that will be left for God to do is to come.

This will surely grab a hold of our attention unlike any other sign.